Emily Sarah Liddington

30/09/1883 — 17/01/1985
A brief biography


Emily Sarah Liddington 1883 — 1985
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DOCUMENT of Emily Sarah Liddington
DOCUMENT of Emily Sarah Liddington

Emily Sarah Liddington

Born in Willesden, London in 1883, the forty-sixth year of the reign of Queen Victoria, and died aged a hundred and one in Tamworth, Staffs in the thirty-third year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II

Emily Sarah Liddington is the Wife of Henry Risbridger. Emily is the mother of William George Risbridger, Henry Thomas Risbridger and John (jack ) Risbridger whom was killed in action at a very young age.
Emily is the grandmother of Brian Henry Risbridger the great grandmother of Elizabeth , Sonia, and Julie Risbridger.
Emily passed away at the age of 102yr old.

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Mark Risbridger

Coach in the US Naval Academy
Mark Risbridger earned master’s degrees in business administration and sports management from Springfield College, while he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Post University in 2013.


938 relatives found

Earnest Strivens is the latest relative on the Risbridger website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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