Ruby Risbridger

20/12/1927 — 04/02/2015
A brief biography

During the second World War, Ruby was evacuated to Cornwall, along with many other London children. When she returned at the tail end of the war, the Germans were still dropping bombs on London, and it was while she was working in the Co-op at Belvedere that she narrowly escaped death. A bomb had dropped nearby and the blast shattered the windows above where she had been standing only minutes before. Apparently, a customer had entered the shop and Ruby had stepped away from the window to serve her just as the bomb dropped.

In 1947 Ruby married George William Davis, who had spent four-and-a-half years of the war in a German POW camp (Stalag 8b - Teschen). Their first home was a rented a flat in Bexleyheath, where her two children – Sheila and Jeff – were both born.

Following the death of her father, William Risbridger, Ruby’s mother, Lilian, eventually moved in with them. With someone to help watch over the children, Ruby was able to take in sewing to help pay the bills and save money to buy a place of their own. Eventually managing to raise the deposit, they finally bought a house in Northumberland Heath, Erith.

After a spell as a cinema usherette at the Odeon, Erith, Ruby returned to the Co-op in Woolwich, where she worked until her retirement in 1982. She and her husband George then bought a bungalow in Lordswood, Chatham. When George died in 1987, Ruby continued to live there alone until 2006, when she finally moved back to Belvedere into sheltered accommodation.

In 2014, Ruby was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia. After several subsequent admissions to hospital, it was then deemed unsafe for her to continue living alone. She was therefore admitted to a care home in Sydenham, near to her daughter.

After only four months in the home, Ruby was eventually admitted to Lewisham Hospital where she died in February 2015. Her ashes were then buried with her husband’s in Chatham Cemetery.


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Mark Risbridger

Coach in the US Naval Academy
Mark Risbridger earned master’s degrees in business administration and sports management from Springfield College, while he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Post University in 2013.


938 relatives found

Earnest Strivens is the latest relative on the Risbridger website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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