John Risbridger

03/1642 — 1695
A brief biography

Last Will and Testament

In the name of God Amen, the seventeenth day of August in the sixth year of our sovereign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith this anno day 1694, I John Ridbridger of Capell in the county of Surrey being infirm of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (praise to  

Ann's Dowry

John's wife Ann Stone came from Clark's in Capel but her family also had landholdings in Shere. Ann's dowry included The Farune, Downelands (Dorking) and one and a half acres of hop garden, the Hallester Fields in Shere (shown in the adjacent 1772 plan), the total value of the dowry was £500.


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Mark Risbridger

Coach in the US Naval Academy
Mark Risbridger earned master’s degrees in business administration and sports management from Springfield College, while he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Post University in 2013.


938 relatives found

Earnest Strivens is the latest relative on the Risbridger website - thanks to Tim Richardson for this contribution.
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Graham King

Graham King is the latest Risbridger to join - welcome!